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EB Serisi EX-PROOF fanlar, ATEX direktiflerine uygundur. Flameprof T4 Sıcaklık Sınıfındadır Motor Sınıfı:II2G EEexd IIBT4
Fırın boyalı sac gövdeli • Eexe II koruma ve T4 sıcaklık sınıfı • Ürünün tamamını kapsayan ATEX sertifikalı • Üç fazlı, IP 55 motor koruma sınıfı
Montaj plakaları ve motor taşıyıcı gövdeleri yüksek kaliteli sacdan mamuldür.
Tüm motorlar IP55 sınıfı ve Class F yalıtımlıdır. Bununla birlikte tüm motorla rulman yataklıdır.
II2G EEexd IIBT4 ( ZON1 - ZON2 ) Elektrik Girişi Trifaze 400V-50Hz Tüm motorlar elektrik bağlantılı terminallidir. Terminaller ilgili standartlara uygun özelliktedir.



Explosion Proof Certified Axial fans to extract air and fumes directly outside through short ducting, wall or panel mounting, in compliance with ATEX Directive 84/9/EEC effective from July 1st 2003 in EU.


•    Suitable for applications in commercial and industrial

      environments where the risk of explosion is high and    

      where  the surrounding atmosphere contains gas, vapours

      or highly inflammable steam;

•    The whole product and not just the electrical parts, has

      been certified by CESI Institute with CESI n°3 ATEX 251


•    Fan group II, cat. 2 for gases, construction safety C, max

      surface temp. T4 (135°C);

•    Classified for zones 1 and 2;

•    This approval has required specific safety tests and

      proper examinations on products to verify how the

      adopted solutions have satisfied the essential Directive


•    Steel plated body protected by an epoxy-based anticorrosive


•    Impeller made of VO reinforced conductive nylon;

•    Exd-II B - T4, ball bearing class F insulation motor IP55


•    Max temperature of extracted air: 40°C;

•    Reversibility: all models;

•    Reference Standards: EN 13463-1; EN 13463-5; EN 14986

EB Seri EXPROOF ATEX Duvar Tipi Fanlar

  • EXPROOF DUVAR TİPİ FAN 900 m3/h EB 25 4T - EX
    KAPASİTE 900 (m3/h)
    FAZ /W /A / rpm : 3/100/0,39/1.460

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